— Popular Programs “Mellow Down Easy” and “TOKYO CHILL OUT” —

This August, McGuffin,(*2) a video media magazine targeting the millennial generation, operated by Studio Opt,(*1) part of OPT, Inc. (Head Office: Chiyoda Ward, Tokyo; President & CEO: Daisuke Kanazawa; hereinafter “OPT”), an Innovation Agency leading the digital shift, has commenced broadcasting of the popular programs “Mellow Down Easy” and “TOKYO CHILL OUT” on “J:COM TV.”(*3)

■ “McGuffin” Video Media
McGuffin is a video media magazine with content designed for millennials, both male and female. Its strength is that all videos are produced by directors of the same age group as the target audience, which results in content production, casting, planning and design that feels closer to users.
Previous programs were delivered through owned media, sites such as YouTube, social networking services or the like, and this is the first time McGuffin will broadcast through cable television.
“Mellow Down Easy,” for which broadcasting is already decided, is emceed by Hama Okamoto of the OKAMOTO’S and Licaxxx. The program features guests from the millennial generation discussing their “on” and “off” time over a relaxed drink. “TOKYO CHILL OUT” is based on the theme “RIP SLYME invite guests at the forefront of their professions to discuss their passions over a drink.” The program emcees, RIP SLYME's RYO-Z and ILMARI, each discuss the work of their guests in a relaxed setting at a Tokyo bar.
■ Overview of the J:COM TV Broadcast
<Program Title>
[McGuffin] ‐ Mellow Down Easy ‐
#1 August 16 (Fri.) 10:30pm
Hama Okamoto & Licaxxx & Yuma Abe (never young beach)
Hama Okamoto & Licaxxx & Taiiku Okazaki
#2 August 23 (Fri.) 10:30pm
Hama Okamoto & Licaxxx & CHAI
Hama Okamoto & Licaxxx & Ikkyu Nakajima
#3 August 30 (Fri.) 10:30pm
Hama Okamoto & Licaxxx & Yogee New Waves
<Program Title >
#1 September 6 (Fri.) 10:30pm
RIP SLYME RYO-Z & Harold Sakuishi
#2 September 13 (Fri.) 10:30pm
#3 September 20 (Fri.) 10:30pm
#4 September 27 (Fri.) 10:30pm
RIP SLYME ILMARI & Wednesday Campanella
RIP SLYME ILMARI & Reiji Okamoto
* Progressively commencing broadcasts
*1 About Studio Opt
“Studio Opt” is a specialist organization aimed at open innovation. It creates businesses and services involving design firms from within Japan and overseas, as well as independent creators. Studio Opt aims to be a one-stop design innovation firm, gathering design professionals from both within and outside the organization and utilizing methods such as design thinking to provide services from ideation to business creation.
*2 About McGuffin
“McGuffin” is a “Culture Video Magazine for Youth,” presenting content that sparks interest in millennials, covering topics in youth culture such as music, fashion and sport.
*3 About J:COM TV
“J:COM TV” is a cable television network operated by Jupiter Telecommunications Co., Ltd. (Head Office: Chiyoda Ward, Tokyo). Utilizing J:COM’s network, it provides original channels, bringing “locally-grown” content to “all areas.” It not only delivers local information and major content such as live music and sports, but also brings out the unique features of cable television, through a range of initiatives including collaboration with radio.
(Channel numbers - all terrestrial digital: Sapporo, Sendai and Kanto area: ch.10; Kansai, Fukuoka and Kitakyushu area: ch.12; Shimonoseki area: ch.111; Kumamoto area: ch.11)
【Outline of OPT, Inc.】
OPT is an “Innovation Agency” that helps customers realize their ideal future through digital marketing. OPT renews the businesses of customers to create new value, while staying in harmony with the company’s vision and mission as they seek sustainable growth. Each employee works under the ideal of “Sincere ambition” to turn the company into a growth engine that makes people and society more prosperous.
■Company Outline
Established: April 1, 2015
Capital: 100 million yen (as of end of December 2017)
President Name: Daisuke Kanazawa, President & CEO
Head Office Address: Tokyu Bancho Building, 6, Yonbancho, Chiyoda Ward, Tokyo
Business Details: Marketing business
URL: https://www.opt.ne.jp/