This is ourselves , 「US」
In Digital Holdings Group, we uphold ‘US’ as our desired form, which encompasses three elements: Purpose, Values, and Management Context, collectively forming our corporate philosophy. This ‘US’ serves as the axis for decision-making across the entire group and nurtures the core of our corporate culture.
This is ourselves , 「US」

DIGITAL HOLDINGS strives for “IX: Industrial Transformation®” through its contribution to the sustained
business growth of its clients.
We create new value together with our co-creation partners, promoting
Industrial Transformation to realize a society where the true worth of undervalued industry workers can be
properly appreciated.

There are five values that we have fostered
since the company was founded in 1994. -
We call those who embody the 5 BEATS our “passionate owners.”
We regard“passion” as the source of new value creation,
and we aim to produce many “passionate owners.”
- New Value Creation
A company’s universal worth lies in constantly creating and providing society with new value. Companies that cannot provide new value are doomed to fail, that is the natural order of things. We create prosperity for the future, by constantly creating new value and transforming industry.
- Challenges(continual transformation)
The needs of the world (society) are constantly evolving. The services (businesses) we provide must likewise evolve. The greatest failure is to avoid the challenge to change.
- Optimism(positive thinking)
To take on the challenge to create new value and constantly transform, we must overcome the great obstacle of preconceived ideas and forces of resistance. Instead of listing the reasons why we cannot do something, we need to constantly ask ourselves “How can we do it?” Only positive thinking will pave the way to success.
- Provide First
We prioritize our principles over short-term gain. Profits will flow naturally from the contributions we make. We think first of society, and how we can contribute.
- Ownership(employee happiness = autonomy)
We define employee happiness as “autonomy.” Three facets of autonomy – professional, economic, and psychological – make for truly autonomous personnel. Our employees have a constant desire to grow, and continue to invest in themselves. Employees who work spontaneously and proactively with a lively attitude will find happiness of their own accord. A collection of such autonomous personnel makes for the strongest possible organization. A company is not a mechanism for subordinating employees, but rather a platform for providing environments to boost their growth. We want all of our employees to be equal partners.
Management context
A compass for guiding shared decision-making and actions across the group.
We establish decision-making criteria, consisting of 12 elements - Business, Talent, Culture, Philosophy, Organization, System, and Atmosphere, as our management context.